One of the greatest blessings we have here at Holy Apostles is our parish cemetery. We have been blessed to hold several funerals and interments over the last few years.
We have plans for three phases of cemetery expansion, and are currently in phase one, which includes fencing, beautification, and the installation of our St. Seraphim Chapel, which was completed in the Fall of 2022. Future phases include adding additional plot sections.
Plots are available to Holy Apostles parishioners and their spouses. The plots, as well as crosses and headstones may be pre-purchased for ease of planning. If you are interested in reserving your plot, please contact Amanda Seaman.
The Myrrhbearer's Society is a group whose resposibility it is to take care of our beloved brothers and sisters after their repose and in preparation for their funeral. We are in the process of creating the group and are looking for volunteers—All training will be provided. If you are interested in this special work, please see Deacon Leo Bearer.

15710 S. Peoria Ave.
11Mar8:00am Lenten Matins
5:00pm Vestment Mending
4:00pm Great ComplineWed
12Mar8:00am Lenten Matins
6:30pm Presanctified LiturgyThu
13Mar8:00am Lenten Matins
4:00pm Great ComplineFri
14Mar8:00am Lenten Matins
10:00am Sophia Homeschool Co-op
12:00pm Presanctified Liturgy
6:30pm Akathist
7:30pm Inquirer's ClassSat
15Mar9:10am Hours
9:30am Memorial Liturgy
4:00pm Confessions
5:00pm Great Vespers, ConfessionsSun
16MarSt. Gregory Palamas
8:45am Choir Practice 9:00 Hours
9:30am Divine Liturgy, Catechumens, Agape, Church School, Parish Council