The brotherhood of readers at Holy Apostles is dedicated to ensure that services are conducted properly to provide a prayerful setting within the church. The ultimate aims of our readers are to recite in a manner that benefits others in their spiritual life in Christ, to aid those in prayer, to chant in a way in which words are clear and understood, to maintain solemnity, and to do anything we can for the betterment of the Holy Church and its people. Holy Apostles Church has been blessed with knowledgeable and experienced readers since its founding. While we have a wonderful abundance of readers at the parish, we are always looking to teach others, especially the young, the beautiful and rich tradition of reading in the Holy Orthodox Church. Please see Reader John Sames if you are interested in joining.
The young men in the parish are encouraged to serve in the Holy Altar as a part of our communal sacrifice of worship. Instruction and training is provided by Subdeacon Patrick Teague, and boys must be at least six years old and have the blessing of Father Ambrose to serve. Several men of the parish are also part of the rotation, and help model for the young boys proper decorum in Church. Those who serve stand as visible reminders of the Heavenly Host, which eternally worships at the throne of the Most Holy Trinity.
Our prosphora bakers support parish life by providing all of the loaves necessary to serve all liturgy and litya services. No experience in baking is necessary to serve the church as a prosphora baker, and we welcome volunteers at any point during the year. We get together in the parish hall kitchen usually on the first Tuesday of the month to bake for the month's services. Interested parties should contact Father Ambrose for further information.

15710 S. Peoria Ave.
13Feb7:40am Hours, Divine Liturgy
4:00pm VespersFri
14Feb8:00am Midnight Office, First Hour
9:30am Akathist
10:00am Sophia Homeschool Co-op
4:00pm Vespers
6:30pm Inquirer's ClassSat
15Feb10:00am Meal Ministry Meeting
4:00pm Confessions
5:00pm Great Vespers, ConfessionsSun
16FebProdigal Son
8:45am Choir Practice
9:00am Hours
9:30am Divine Liturgy, Church School, AgapeTue
18Feb8:00am Matins
4:00pm VespersWed
19Feb8:00am Matins
6:30pm Vespers, Compline