Meal Trains
We are happy to provide meal trains for our parish family in times of trial or transition. We offer a 40 day meal train for new mothers and their family. Please click to see all current meal trains.
Parish Bookstore
We have a great selection of Orthodox books and products for sale in our parish bookstore. Please contact Amanda Hamm with any questions or to request certain products.
Russian Club
Faithful Russian Club events are conducted in Russian language, but open to all. Various discussion topics relate to Russian Culture and Orthodox faith. Please click to see this year's schedule.
Parish Library
Our parish library is in development, and will be available for all parishioners to borrow wonderful Orthodox books. Stay tuned for more information.
Mary Magdalene Women's Group
Our Women's group gets together for fellowship, discussion, service projects, and other edifying events. All are welcome.
Men's Group
Our men's group joins together for a fellowship meal once a month—all are welcome. Please see David Kulp with any questions.
15710 S. Peoria Ave.
15Jan8:00am Matins
6:30pm Vespers, ComplineThu
16Jan7:40am Hours, Divine Liturgy
4:00pm VespersFri
17JanSt. Anthony the Great
8:00am Midnight Office, First Hour
9:30am Akathist
10:00am Sophia Homeschool Co-op
4:00pm Vespers
6:30pm Inquirer's ClassSat
18Jan4:00pm Confessions
5:00pm Great Vespers, ConfessionsSun
19Jan8:45am Choir Practice
9:00am Hours
9:30am Divine Liturgy, Agape
12:00pm Parish CouncilTue
21Jan8:00am Matins
4:00pm Vespers